Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New & Awesome things coming~

Hey all!

A new blogsite is in the works to replace the blog and the website in one big change. It's going to be really rad and I am excited to share it with you guys! Stay tuned....

Carson and Jamie: West Manor~

This gorgeous little flower girl was having so much fun dancing with her daddy.
The baby girl and the bride had the same shoes. How unbelievably cute is that?
Our awesome couple. They are very much in love.
Jamie looked amazing on her day.

Aren't the flowers beautiful? West Manor always does a great job with every detail.
Dancing the night away...and into their new life together. (=.
(Yup. I just threw that sappy goodness in.)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The New Year!

Hi all!

Wow, 2009 is already here. I have been using this weekend as a take time to breathe, think and prioritize for what's coming break. (= I have to tell you guys, I am SO excited about this coming new year. We have some great couples going to be married!! And CGS still has a few spots open, so if you would like to try and book your day, give us a call, or drop an e mail!

I just want to share my heart a little too. I am a big cheeseball. I love weddings, romance and people. I have found myself laughing and tearing up behind the camera during toasts, during portrait sessions, and while watching two people vow forever to each other. And that is what I try to capture at every wedding and every event. Connection. Love. The emotion in the moment. I truly truly LOVE this job, because it is not a job for me. I want you to know that I am committed to giving you the best in tangible memories that I can provide for your special day. As an artist and a person I want to continue to grow, to improve CGS, and to always make sure that the couples that we serve love what we provide for them.

Best wishes to all and here is to a wonderful 2009!!


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