Thursday, April 15, 2010

Brattiness and The Right Thing

I hear God pretty clearly.  My job in this whole thing is to submit.  Not to push to get my way. 

To forgive.  To act lovingly.

Well, I don't want to. 

I've been a brat today.  Because I don't want to forgive and be nice and act loving. 

I never win these arguments with the HS.  So I know that later tonight I'll approach my husband and we'll talk and make up.  It's not an easy thing.  I don't want to sweep this under the rug.  Pretend it's not a big deal.  It is, but God is being loud about my role.

As for the rest. 

I guess I just improve what I can improve on.  Kellie,Valda and Mandi were gifts to me.  They reminded me of this: 

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
       but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 

God give me patience and help me to be a better person, better wife.  Even when it's hard. 
Tomorrow is off to NC to shoot the wedding of the girl whose bridal portrait went MIA.  I hope this weekend goes well.  I need a stress free shoot.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

we all have our moments. :D
I am praying your weekend is stellar.

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