Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things About NC

* The gas stations get sketchier the second you cross the VA/NC line.  For realz. 
* People drive 10 miles under the speed limit on back roads and 20 miles over the speed limit on the interstate.
* The hair is bigger & the makeup heavier.
* Saying y'all becomes a normal part of your vocabulary.  Even if it's only been a day.  It feels normal.
* You may hear things while shooting a wedding, like:  "Can you make this picture sexual?"  No, really, it happened. (=
* The beaches are to die for.

The State motto is To Be, Rather than to Seem.  Fits them.  The people are kind, generous, and don't pretend to be what they are not.  I like 'em.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I sooooo agree with the gas station remark. Frightening. Fo' sho'! :D

That sounds like a fantastical trip.

One day, I'll get to go to an east coast beach in VA, NC or SC. Someday. :D

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