Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Country Strong

Well, I started out wanting to write a blog about social media and how it builds community.  Cuz I know there are a lotta voices saying the opposite, but instead I went to see the movie Country Strong tonight.

It was terrible. 

Bad acting, weird plotline, semi decent country music....eh.  Coulda lived without it.  BUT at the end of the movie Gwyneth Paltrow sings a song called Home. 

And as I was sitting in the theater watching her do a bad impression of Faith Hill, I wondered where exactly I would call home.  Home can simultaneously be South America, California, Lynchburg and Canada for me.  And then, since I was viewing a movie full of bad cliches, I thought...home is with the people you love. hahaha!

But it is.  And at the end of this day I am grateful to have a lot of people in my life who love me.  Who know me.  Who are my home.  No matter what part of the world I'm in. 

I serenaded Ryan with this song on the way home.  He lurved it.  And I am country pretty.  Just for the record.  ;)


Amanda said...

yeah, I heard that movie was terrible. ha ha....maybe I shoulda warned you?

And yes, country pretty, I like that. :)

Amber J said...

i was wondering if that movie was any good....i'm thinking i would have loved to hear the serenade even more tho ;)

CG said...

It was pretty special, Amber. My family loves it when I sing to them haha!!

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