Sunday, March 6, 2011

Breaking Open

The House of Happiness is nestled in a little valley, next to a stream, in the Blue Ridge mountains in VA.   Every year we go.  Every year we cry, laugh, play games, walk and have life changing encounters with God.  This year as I looked around, it was bittersweet.  God has increased our group and brings new women every week almost, it seems lately. 

I sat on the bridge over the stream, Saturday morning.  Wrapped in a blanket, my winter coat and rockin' the flip flops still...:)  Listened to Audrey Assad.  Prayed through Zephaniah 3:17.   My struggle is with selfishness and with wanting control over my future.  It seems like not making a decision is a decision, but Jesus said clearly to me this week over and over again that He loves me.  And the question becomes do I trust that love?  In my head I do.  My heart struggles with it. 

But that first night as Andy prayed over me unexpectedly, I heard you again, Jesus. 

And as we shared our brokenness and prayed for each other as a the Body came together and loved like seemed what You have called me to is not so hard.  If You carry me. 

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