Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just Lovely

Music is like air or food or breathe for me.  I have to have it while I work, while I play, when I work out.  I'm inspired by it, encouraged, challenged and comforted.  Every kind of music has it's positives and I like a whole lotta different genres and artists.  Yesterday I ran across this guy, Jon McLaughlin and it's magic.  He's magic.  Singer/songwriter music is my favorite if you made me pick one, and he is delightful in every way.  Huzzah for somethin' new to jam to!

 This lil song is from Enchanted...another favorite...:)


Amanda said...

Have you ever heard his "For You, From Me"? that's my favorite.

the Jeffr said...

This song is actually a fave of mine too. have you ever heard "beautiful disaster"? Another good one if his.

CG said...

Apparently I'm the only one who hadn't heard of him haha! I'll be checking out both recommendations. Thx, friends. :)

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