Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Time in the Confessional

Well, Internet, as you can tell from my last post, sometimes I swear.   The truth is that it feels like a little rebellion against the strict Christian culture I grew up in, and it's a little bit naughty.  So clearly I like it. :) Truthfully, though,  I hardly ever do it.  Except for when I'm really mad.  And then words just seem to come out on their own.  You will know when I'm mad for real.  And it takes a lot to get me there, but you will know. 

And even though I'm being a little wink, wink about this like it's fun. (sometimes it is)  I know it's not the most Jesus like activity.  I've tried for a lot of years to tame my tongue in this area when I'm mad.  Sometimes more successfully than others.  Tonight not much. 

Meh.  I failed today in my temper.  Tomorrow is another day.  Filled with apologies to be made and mea culpas to be said.  And hopefully nothing in French will slip out.

So now you know one of my deep dark secrets; blackmail will getcha not much but the pennies in my change jar.  :) 

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