Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Not too long ago I was really down.  Having a major why am I in this business moment.  Thinking about how many good and great photographers I'm surrounded by.  Comparing myself.  Feeling like crap.

And then today I looked and noticed that I've been published 4 times since January on local, national and international wedding blogs.  Well, looky there.  Time to take a good dose of perspective.  Thank God for my blessings that I forget to count and carry on.  :)

1 comment:

Dave said...

I think we all get that way at times. Occasionally I'll get into this "I'll never be a writer that anyone reads!" funk, at which point my wife will gently point out how many times I've been published in the last two years, and sends me into the important spiritual lesson of getting over myself and being thankful. Healthy thing, perspective is.

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