Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Night Circus, a Review

Because of my obsession with science fiction and my ability to read like a ravenous crocodile, a lot of books pass through the bookshelf downstairs.  Only a few capture the imagination, though, and those books get to stay on the shelf to be read and reread.   Science Fiction, when it is done right, is the grandchild of fairy tales.  Stories of magic, mystery and romance that can inspire thought or just take you to a place you never dreamed of.  My classic favorites include, A Wrinkle in Time, Perelandra, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Tolkien's worlds, the Pern stories and every single book written by CJ Cherryh. 

For more modern writers I love The Outlander Series, Brandon Sanderson's books, The Name of the Wind series(amazing), and a few stand alone novels like this one. 

The Night Circus is a mystery wrapped in a romance and spun with magic.  It reminds me of every children's story I read as a young thing and leaves you content to have wandered through it's pages.  A little like the tents the circus describes.  It's an original, imaginative work of art that is rare in this world of recycled ideas.  If you like to be intrigued and delighted, you will like this book.  It's going to have a permanent spot on the shelf. 

1 comment:

Dave said...

My bookclub is reading this book for October. I'm looking forward to it, as well.

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