Thursday, December 29, 2011


Tis the new year.  And so everyone gets to hear my goals for 2012.  Are you ready?

1.  Survive the end of the world.



For real:


*Finally make the serious effort to attain my goal size.  I have a rad trainer lined up and a start date.  Oh it's on.
*Get my financial house in order Dave Ramsey style.  I'm tired of credit cards.  And crunching numbers.
*Obey God in ministry.  That's always on the list, but I thought I'd just put it out there.
*Have a lot of fun.
*work less
*create more

Which leads us to...


*work less
*create more
*cross off my list of set gear.
*get BETTER at what I do
*follow my own rules
*make art
*make people happy
*get published in hard copy

And always on both lists:

Love God.

Love people.

See ya 2011!  :D

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