Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Unexpected Blessings

I'd like to take just a minute to recall what God has surprised me with this month:

* the IRS randomly sent a letter to my accountant saying I don't have to pay sales tax in January if I don't feel like it. Well, OK! :)
* I've been working out with a personal trainer for FREE holler!  Because we are swapping services.  And he's freaking amazing and I'm so grateful.
* I was super bummed because I didn't have enough extra cash this month to advertise in Clutch.  Jen called me to do some work for her husband and we are swapping ad space for the work.
* I will shortly be featured on Rock and Roll Bride.  A blog I've been trying to get on for 2 years. 
* People I've been praying for have recently been moving toward relationship with God. 
* I've had 2 weddings book for 2013 already this month. What? :)

In a month that's usually super slow for me and difficult financially God just made things happen.  And I'm so thankful.  High five for being awesome, Jesus!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Jesus High Five! YES!

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