Monday, October 8, 2012


I have a tattoo of the chinese symbol for truth on my back. Truth is something that is non negotiable with me.  You can't have a real relationship without it.  You can't be alive without it.  Living in deceit is a half life filled with fear of exposure and monsters under the bed. 

I want the light.  Even if the light is harsh and the truth hurts.  Hurt me for my good.  Don't poison me with a pleasant lie.   One of the many reasons I love Jesus is that he is the Truth.  He doesn't let me live in self deceit or allow me to deceive others. 

The truth sets us free.  Free to be real.  Free to fall down.  Free to get up after falling.  Facing your total inability to be a perfect human being allows you to grow into a better one. 

Telling the truth to the people around you allows them the freedom to do the same.  It's like injecting medicine into a diseased wound.  I think that the Bible tells us to speak the truth in love because it's the most powerful way to live.  To change lives.  Jesus said his people would worship in Spirit and truth.  And Jesus said anyone who doesn't acknowledge his sin is self deceiving and the truth is not in him. 

Speak the truth.  Always be real with me.  I will do the same for you.

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