Wednesday, March 19, 2008


i thought i was a poet in high school. it all started with my 6th grade teacher giving us an English project where we had to write and bind a book of poems. he then told me he thought they were good, and i was sold. i kept a notebook filled with scratching and single verses and epic pages. (o:

i also had a secret dream of singing for a living. many of the poems were song lyrics....

one of those epic writings concerned the upcoming graduation day and what might happen after it was over. i called it tapestry. after pulling the notebook out and reading it the other night, i was overcome with laughter. high school is definitely a time where we take ourselves a little too seriously. tapestry's theme was God weaving the threads of our lives into stories.

more lately as i see 30 fast approaching i am beginning to feel the same nostalgic patterns coming on. now i blog instead. and as much as i laugh at that earnest 17 year old, i do find that God does weave patterns into my life. but they are circles and seasons. as much as i think i am done with a certain group of people or time period, it reaches back into my life in various ways. most recently i had dinner with one of those friends from that same high school...someone i hadn't seen in 13 years. it is a definite movement of God that she is only 2 hours south and that we are reconnecting. to encourage each other? to build up our faith? i don't know. but interesting that here we are again. the same has happened in jobs i have held, in other friendships i have thought long gone. hindsight is 20/20, but looking back i can see the specific reason for each of those things or people and how that relates to me now.

i pray for the next decade that i have strength for the seasons. for the painful winter ones and the ones filled with love and joy. i pray for wisdom to make a difference eternally and not waste opportunities. i pray for patience with my faults and the faults of those around me...who i love and don't love so much. i pray that i choose Christ. this is my new favorite quote from CS Lewis right now:

"There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done."(From the Great Divorce)

this is not my favorite picture of me. (o; but here is a photo from the high school reunion....

1 comment:

the Jeffr said...

Well, I'm glad you decided to blog—another great post, Crys. I'm seeing a lot of that going on in my own life. I don't know if it's a "30" thing or what. I feel like i got lost a little bit in the past few years, and reconnecting with old friends and places and activities has been so good for me. Man, it's great to have the www, where you can find friends with similar experiences, goals and struggles. Keep posting! ;-)

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