Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Date with Me, Myself and I.

Tonight, we had dinner.  Me and my paperback pulled up a table at Panera.  In a busy, bustling room filled with couples and groups I had a little island for one.  The classic salad was tasty.  The ice tea was sweet.  My earrings were big and my new shirt was comfy and cute all at the same time.  Perfection.

As I told Mandy tonight, I think that in another life I would have been a part time hermit.  Solitary moments sometimes restore my soul. 

And then M- and I caught up to watch How to Train Your Dragon. Cuh-ute.  Seriously.

The date was great, I think we might do it again. (=


Mandi said...

I really can't get over how cute the movie was. :D It was ADORABLE. And I am still giggling at the helmet/breast protector comment. HA HA HA HA HA!

Love late night movies with you sooooooo much.

CG said...

There are very few movie moments that make me guffaw OUT LOUD. That was one of them.


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