Friday, August 12, 2011

The Help

It's not often that I walk out of a movie theater wanting to be a better person.  Tonight I did.  If you haven't seen the movie, The Help yet....go see it.

I sometimes forget that I go to church with people who named their child SodaPop.  And then I get reminded. 

At the end of the last wedding event, I ran downstairs in a skirt I pulled up to make a dress. No hair.  No makeup.  It was midnight thirty.  Surely, I thought, all the guests will be tired and in bed.  You see where this is going, right?  As the elevator door opened, arrayed in front of me are every single one of the very fine/hot/gloriously pretty looking groomsmen from the day.  All I wanted was a freakin' Coke.  So I covered my face and muttered "don't look at me"  or maybe I shouted that.  It's all a lil hazy.  The drunk boys thought it was all good fun and yelled various things after me, like...."You're awesome."  and "get me a pepsi".  *sigh* 

Have a good weekend one and all.  Hugs and keeses. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Going to see it!!! but halfway through the book right now :)

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