Sunday, August 21, 2011

life, the intangible dream
we try to wrap our minds around eternity
and dress it in the rags of what is present
and for certain real
as if reality could not be other
a step away from here
a simple move to the left or right

rage and weep, sing and dance
and drink and toast and sit silently
fighting & loving are just two sides of the same coin
perhaps we are tired of tossing it
or maybe we will go another round

every now and then a window opens
into joy and heaven breathes on us
these, these are the butterfly wings
that carry us over the valley of the shadow
and into dreaming again
reality is only a step away

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm seeing that it's a rather poetic day for you and for me. :D he he he.
Love this. love you.

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