Monday, October 24, 2011


I dreamed about Bolivia for the first time in a long time last night.  I miss my patria.  Going to Nicaragua so often makes me guilty.  Like perhaps I'm cheating on my true love.  Also, Judy is asking me to visit, and I would love to be in Cocha again.   Maybe a trip to the homeland is in order next year. 

My camera died on me this weekend.  Just quit.  Thank you Jesus that it was at the end of a wedding, and not the beginning or middle.

I am always fighting off insecurity it seems. 

BTW, during the same wedding in which my camera died, I hopped up on a ledge to get a better angle and belatedly realized I was 12 stories off the ground on a ledge.  It still makes my palms tingle. 

I'm thinking a lot about gossip lately and how much I do it, and how much it goes on around me.  Need to read me some Proverbs. 

Ryan got an orange mohawk and ran the Tough Mudder.  I like the mohawk.  I'm a little terrified that he's going to turn into one of the running addicts around us at BRCC.  He's under strict orders to not. even. think. about it.  We shall see. 

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