Monday, February 20, 2012

Knocked Down

I heard it today.  That moment when you are trying to be the center of attention.  This girl was telling a story about how a guy hit on her and it was obvious that she was just being kind of needy. As in look how awesome I am. 

That girl was me.

Jesus knocked me down with how ugly that was about 10 minutes after I was done telling that story.  And all day today he's been showing me stuff.  I'm super prideful.  Jealous.  Possessive.  Greedy.  Covetous.

Yup.  All true.

I've been patting myself on the back lately for being just a paragon of spirituality.  Today's been hard, but good.  Reality check.  Remember that the only thing that is really truly good in me is what Jesus has done and is doing.  And changing.

I heard this song for the first time in Andy's car on the way from somewhere to somewhere with my Crash girls about 4 years ago.  It's still my favorite worship song.  Because Oh, how He loves me.  Even in the midst of my ugly.

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