Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sex on Sunday?

Well, it's been a busy few days.  2 weddings last weekend.  I always feel like I have a semi that's run over me and then backed up and run over me again on double wedding weekends.  Both weddings had BRCC folk involved in them, so that was fun.  A couple of things that happened:

At wedding 2 I was wearing a white shirt and somehow managed to get chocolate all over the front of it.  I do not even know.  Thus there were chocolate milk jokes made for the next 2 hours.

At wedding 1 I got to work with the Tresca crew, which I always enjoy.  They may have stolen the camera and I have the evidence to prove it. :)

The teach went well at Crash last night.  In the sense that I didn't faint or run screaming off the stage.  For the rest of it you'll have to ask someone who was there.  I did manage to somehow walk into the wrong part of the room and make the mic screech.  Everyone really enjoyed that.  Don't give a blond a microphone

Ryan is in Canada hiking with some friends. We are in a really good place right now and I miss him a lot. 

The sex talks at church are making me really uncomfortable.  Can I just put that out there?  It's possible that it's my very proper Canadian mother's fault, or my raisin' as an MK, or 4 years of PCC.  Or maybe a combination of all three.  Nevertheless, I was about 23 shades of red on Sunday.  Carter has promised to sit next to me and make dirty jokes so I can make it through this weekend's service.  That is a true friend.  Don't get me wrong, please.  I am a huge fan of sex.  Sex is great.  Having your pastor say things like "orgasmic women" from the stage is amazingly awkward. I prefer to think that Woody and Nan cuddle a lot.  That's all.  ;)

On to the next weekend.  That's how my summer is measured.  In weekends.  In weddings.  And the space inbetween.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I told someone that hearing Woody and Nan talk about sex was like hearing that your parents have sex. In our need for normal and unscarred functioning, we can only believe that our parents had sex only as many times as they had children. Ha ha! :)

All in all, I'm glad BRCC is doing this, but I did notice a LOT of people shifting in maddeningly uncomfortable ways on Sunday. I don't think that will change. ha ha. :)

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