Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Each Time is New

Before I jump back into the crazy of wedding season I want to take 5 minutes and just reflect on the last 10 days in Nica.

There is so much that happened and so much that happened in me that it's hard to point to one thing and say, "that was it."  Someone asked me if it was one of my best trips, and honestly they have all been great.  Each one is different.  It's a new experience with new people and God does something amazing every time.

* God orchestrated everything perfectly.  Watching Him show off His perfect timing was beautiful.  When we were there in February we visited the brothels in the market and spent quite a bit of time talking to and praying with a prostitute named Rachel.  On last Tuesday morning, Rachel showed up at the HOH for their Tuesday program for the first time and Shea and I were able to talk to her and pray over her again.  How amazing is it that God brought her at exactly the same time we were there!
Ana just happened to be at a park across the street from where the team was spending the day and Shea and her girls got to see Ana and love on her for a little bit.  A blessing perfectly timed and gifted to us.  Dave spoke at a small group and the message he gave was meant specifically for one of the ladies who was deeply struggling in her marriage.  God never makes mistakes with what He wants to say. 

* BRCC spoke at three churches on Sunday morning.  Dave, Jack, and Shea all shared and I love that.  The opportunity to impact the church as a whole on every level.  We were at a low income church and Jack and Dave were at 2 upper class churches.  I see God in that reaching out to every part of His Nicaraguan church body to correct and encourage.  Shea's message was on how God refines us until He sees his reflection in us.  The way a silversmith refines silver, without leaving the side of what he's refining.  The women responded deeply and I loved it too.  I needed that reminder that pain has purpose in the lives of Christ followers.

* We went out the last night with Oscar to a road that is known for the prostitutes on it.  As we talked to the women I was struck again with the perfect timing of God.  That as we talked to each woman we were the invitation of Christ to restoration and new life.  And that our encounters with them were planned before they were born or we were born.  Even the male drug addict we prayed over.  He came up to me quoting Bible verses.  Asking questions.  Wanting freedom.  We were at that gas station for a purpose and that purpose was God telling him he can have freedom if he'll walk toward it.  Also, as Dave was praying for freedom for him from chains of addiction and the influence of evil spirits, he almost fell down.  Maybe he needed that moment to be free of evil influence so he has the opportunity to choose Christ if he wants to.  God pursues us.  Even to the depths of our addictions and sin.  He is so good. 

* For me, God used these last few days to remind me that He gets to be the Boss of me.  He told me pretty plainly that I was there to serve.  That my obedience to Him needs to take precedence over everything else.  And he confirmed it with a note I got from Mindy that said to do everything without selfish ambition or vain conceit.  I had to do a lot of things I wasn't confident in and be in situations that I needed to apologize for or be quiet in and that is good for me.  I do want to be more like Jesus in learning how to serve well without complaining.

* Each member of both teams was great.  God always has purpose for each team member being on a trip.  I loved hearing them walk with God and toward God in all of this.  Even the little girls.  Translating for them as they shared with their new friends was humbling because they were asking tougher deeper questions than some of us older folk asked.

*  Friendships are probably the third theme for me.  Beyond the perfect timing and power of God, and my need to serve humbly, I had the best time laughing my face off with Ash and Kellie on our nights out to the gas stations and grocery stores.  Learning why short sleeves don't matter on cops, eating Bueno bars, and annoying every taxi driver in Nicaragua with our trips back to the HOH.  There are also a couple of other friendships that went deeper on this trip and I loved that.  Discovering who people are is my favorite kind of adventure. :)

So that's the last 10 days in a nutshell. ;)  We also had a massive water fight in which we broke a window in the Quinta.  Stayed up talking till all hours of the night.  Had a dance/pizza party.  Drank a lot of Coca Light.  Kissed a lot of beautiful little girls.  Hugged some women.  Spoke some Spanish.  The End. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Thank you for sharing your heart. I like it :)

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